About Us

Simple Farm is a group of companies providing one-stop Banana related products to our valued customers. We have over ten years of operation experiences in Malaysia. We have formed up four subsidiary companies under Simple Farm Group- Genomic Biotech Sdn Bhd, Banana Hill Sdn. Bhd, Simple Farm Sdn Bhd and Simple Farm Chain Store Sdn Bhd Untitled 2

‭‭Our Business

Simple Chain Store Sdn. Bhd. who are responsible for species germination, cultivation, crop distribution, banana fruits production respectively. All the activities and procedures are taken care by In-house specialists team.


In Genomic Biotech Sdn. Bhd. laboratory, a group of professional researchers are responsible in germinating premium banana crop. We will plant the best premium crop in Banana Hill Sdn. Bhd. farm with expertise supervision, regular fertilisation until harvesting of banana fruits. 

Banana Cavendish‭ & Banana Berangan

We are mainly cultivating two types of banana-Banana Cavendish & Banana Berangan. Besides that, Simple Farm Sdn Bhd is responsible to distribute banana crops to government sectors and various fruit farms. Moreover Simple Chain Store Sdn. Bhd. are also distributing banana fruits to major supermarkets and retailer stores.  banana

Our Global Network

Apart from local distribution business, Simple Farm is also exporting our products to oversea countries including Singapore, Dubai and Egypt and eventually our business will be expanding to China as well. 


Simple是一家為您提供一站式香蕉生產服務的集團公司,迄今已有十年的營業經驗。爲了滿足廣大顧客群的要求,特由旗下四大公司(Genomic Biotech Sdn. Bhd., Banana Hill Sdn. Bhd., Simple Farm Sdn. Bhd., Simple Chain Store Sdn. Bhd.)分別負責品種培育,種植,幼苗供應,果品銷售這幾個重要而緊密的生產環節,力求達到盡善盡美。


在Genomic Biotech Sdn. Bhd.的實驗室里,有著一群專業的研究隊伍負責培育品種優良的幼苗。我們會將品種最佳的幼苗栽種在Banana Hill Sdn. Bhd.的果園內,並有專人悉心照料,按時施肥,直到果實成熟豐收。目前,我們主要栽種的品種有寶島蕉(Banana Cavendish)和紅肉蕉(Banana Berangan)兩類。此外,香蕉的幼苗也由Simple Farm Sdn. Bhd.負責供應給政府相關部門及各地果農。至於Simple Chain Store Sdn. Bhd.則負責把香蕉銷售給各大超級市場和零售商店。除了本地生意,我們也將香蕉出口至新加坡,杜拜與埃及,并打算在不久的將來進軍中國市場。



Six Most Popular Types of Bananas

  • Manzano Banana : The Manzano banana is short and chubby with a mild strawberry-apple flavor, and the skin is black when it’s ripe. It has a chunkier and heavier appearance than traditional banana. This banana is usually grown in Asia, South America, Mexico, Caribbean, and Africa, which also known as Apple banana.


  • Baby/Nino Banana : Baby/Nino banana is about three inches long. When they are ripe, they turn bright yellow and have a rich, sweet flavor, and creamy texture. This is one of the smallest and sweetest bananas around. It is only 3 inches long, and a native of Colombia. It is an excellent source of heart-healthy vitamin B6. This baby banana can be baked, sauteed, broiled, and even grilled.


  • Burro Banana : The Burro banana is round and has a squared off ends. This is stubbier, smaller, and more rectangular in shape than Cavendish yellow banana. When ripe, the skin is yellow with black spots, and the flesh is creamy white. They have a tangy, almost lemony flavor. This burro banana can be eaten fresh, and cooked in all recipes. 


  • Red Banana : The Red banana is heartier and slightly sweeter than yellow banana. When ripe, they have maroon/purple skin to almost black, and the flesh is pinkish, or salmon yellow. The Red banana has a raspberry hint of flavor. It also contains more beta carotene, and vitamin C than the regular yellow banana.